
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What's New?

Holy buckets!

It’s been ages since my last post but LOADS has been going on.
Between making jewelry and getting ready for Market Day (more on that below), vacation, and (oh yeah!) my “real” job - The last few months have been crazy hectic and it doesn’t look like the summer is slowing down.

Let’s jump right in!

June’s Market Day (my second) was great and I (again) met so many great people – shoppers and fellow vendors.

Here’s a (blurry) picture of my setup.

**What did I sell the most of?**

(leather wrap bracelets)

(silk ribbon wrap bracelets)


 And some of these too!
(metal bracelets)

I even picked up a few things for myself while I was there.

How pretty are these long stem fabric roses from The Purple Pincushion??
I have 5 placed on either side of our fireplace in tall white vases.
Just perfect.

And I love this hairpin from Dani Awesome.
So elegant and so simple.
Kind of has that 1950’s charm to it. 
No? Just me? Okay then :)
(I love it!)

So there you have it.
More posts coming up soon – I promise.
In the meantime, click here to like IF Only Pretty on Facebook!

All for now.

Oh yeah - next Market Day is Saturday, July 7th. :)

*~ Ina