A new year. A new beginning.
I have to admit, this is probably the first time I’ve made
New Year’s resolutions in a long time. Usually I just thought they’re for
people wanting to make a change, only to set themselves up for failure a few
short weeks into January.
But the more I thought about it, the more I figured – why
not? At least I’ll be trying to better my life, myself, my year.
The things on my list are nothing new. They have been floating around in my head for a long time, looking to find their
home on a To Do list. So on January 1st I sat down, pen and paper in
hand and came up with this list:
- Spend more time out of the house with Zach. Whether it’s going for a walk with Skya, grabbing a cup of coffee in the East Village, playing tennis, camping in the Spring, or going out for a glass of wine at Snus Hill Winery, I want to spend more time actually “doing things” instead of staying in. So I jumped at this opportunity and bought my very first Living Social deal: wine tasting at Summerset Winery! See?? I'm already great at this "resolutions" thing! :)
- Get organized. I’d love to finally get all our random piles of paper under control. Also, a recipe binder is a must to keep those yummy foods we’ve made before and love all in one easy to find spot. Tackling cleaning and chores around the house is also in this category. I definitely need a system to get this done and I already have some ideas…
- Live a more balanced life. Meaning, stay on the right track with working out and eating a balanced diet (everything in moderation).
- Talk less. Listen more. No gossip. Pretty self-explanatory I think. Often times we do it without even realizing it.
I also have a few more resolutions or goals that are more
just personal for me and my business.
- Take more pictures. Organize them. Put together year books. How great would be to look back and have a collection of family year books?
- Do more craft / jewelry shows. Market Day this year was so fun and I learned a ton! I’m excited to step out of my comfort zone again and take part in more shows this year.
- Read more = less TV.
So there it is. We’re already making plans to make sure we
follow through on the changes we want to make. I’ll keep you posted as projects
come up that coincide with my resolutions.
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And now it’s your turn. What are some of your resolutions for 2013??
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